Buy CJC 1295 2MG Nanox in America
Buy CJC 1295 2MG Nanox in America , CJC-1295, also known as DAC:GRF (short for drug affinity complex:growth hormone-releasing factor), is a synthetic analogue of growth hormone-releasing hrmone (GHRH) (also known as growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF)) and a growth hormone secretagogue (GHS) which was develope.It is a modify form with improve , especially in regard to it.
CJC-1295 markedly increases plasma growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels in both animals and humans. With a single injection, in human subjects, CJC-1295 increases plasma GH levels by 2- to 10-fold for 6 days or longer and plasma . The drug has an estimate half-life of about 6 to 8 days in humans.
. It increases the half-life of acting agents by bioconjugation.
CJC-1295 was under investigation for the treatment of lipodystrophy and growth hormone deficiency and reach phase II clinical trials but was discontinue upon the death of one of the trial subject. The attending physician of the trial believe that the most likely explanation for the incident was that the patient had asymptomatic coronary artery diseaseResearch was terminate nonetheless as a precaution.[8] CJC-1295 has found grey market use for bodybuilding purposes, with this, in some countries such as the Netherlands.