Buy PHARMA SUST 300 (USA Domestic) Pharmacom in America
Manufacturer – Pharmacom Labs
Release form – 10 ml vial at 300 mg/ml
Active ingredient – Sustanon (Testosterone mix)
Pharma Sust 300 is an injectable steroid that contains four different short and long esters of testosterone. The drug with a high anabolic index increases muscle mass and inhibits catabolic processes. By enhancing enduranced, it helps to resist exhausting workouts that often limit the end result. Sustanon had become the golden the different absorption times of the multiple esters.
Properties and effects
Sustanon is perfect for athletes who wish to run it within a solo course, or for those who wish to stack it with other compounds to achieve the maximized results. and untrained beginners due to its strong properties. For those who are eager to make their first acquaintance with steroids, professionals recommend purchasing Testosterone Propionate over a mixed estered.
The multiple esters in Sustanon are invaluable to athletes. 1 ml of the substance contains:
- 36 mg Testosterone Propionate;
- 72 mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate;
- 72 mg Testosterone Isocaproate;
- 120 mg Testosterone Decanoate.
The components are selected by the manufacturer PharmaCom labs in such a way that the action begins soon after injection and the high level of the hormone is maintained for 2-3 weeks. Active substances do not replace frantic work in training and do not give the desired results in case of nutritional flaws.
When used correctly, Sustanon helps:
- To increase the power indicators.
- Safely endure long-term monotonous loads.
- Increase protein synthesis and slow down its breakdown.
- Overcome the plateau phase.
- Decrease fat mass in relation to muscle mass.
- Accelerate recovery times.
- Improve the tone of the body.
For bodybuilders in need of serious pharmaceutical support, we offer a profitable purchase of Sustanon on our website. Store employees will organize fast delivery to any city in the country.
How to use
The minimum dosage per week is 300mg, the maximum dosage is 750mg. Duration of admission is from 1 to 2 months. Injections are given in the glutes every 5-7 days or twice a week for more stable levels within the blood. The latter option provides consistently higher testosterone levels.
Combinations with Nandrolone, Anadrol or Dianabol provides greater muscle growth The application in conjunction with Winstrol increases the growth of strength indicators. Please note that Pharma Sust 300 is an oil based solution. It can be mixed in the same syringe with other oil solutions but cannot be combined with aqueous suspensions (water based). Aromatase inhibitors (Arimidex) and anti-estrogens (Tamoxifen) will help restore the natural hormonal balance, reduce the likelihood of side effects and maintain the achieved results. If progesterone based steroids are used such as Nandrolone or Trenbolone, Cabergoline should be used in the place of Tamoxifen.
Side effects
Sustanon has strong androgenic effects. A high risk of developing unwanted side effects is associated with exceeded the dosage, improper combination with other substances, and refusal from PCT. The use of a hormonal agent as an enhancer can lead to edema, gynecomastia, acne, increased greasiness of the skin and loss of hair on the head. These estrogenic side effects can be counteracted by using anti-estrogenic compounds within your cycle.
Our customers claim that the drug is worth the investment, as it accelerates muscle growth, positively affects the central nervous system, increasing strength and reducing recovery time. However, to obtain such an effect, an athlete simply must train correctly. It is advisable to take sports nutrition during the cycle.
This course is so effective that after it there is a great temptation to repeat the course again without a break. We recommend starting the next course no earlier than 3 months after PCT is complete. We offer our customers only original Sustanon here at as we do not stock any products that are not from the main manufacturers and genuine. The validity of our products can also be verified via the main manufacturers website. All kinds of promotions and discounts that we offer, will also help you to save money on the purchase of your sports pharmacology products.
Package: 10 ml vial
Manufacturer: Pharmacom
Active substance: Testosterone PROPIONATE; 36 mg/ml
Testosterone PHENYLPROPIONATE; 72 mg/ml
Testosterone ISOCAPROATE; 72 mg/ml
Testosterone DECANOATE; 120 mg/ml
Active substance concentration: 300 mg/ml
Storage conditions dry and dark place (t° < 25-27°C)